• winphos5
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PHD Theses

  • "Integrated Photonic Circuits for multiplexing and sensing applications", Konstantinos Fotiadis, A.U.TH. 2024, [Link]
  • " Analog Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul Architectures for mmWave 5G Networks", Ruggeri Eugenio, A.U.TH. 2023
  • "Photonic Neural Networks with Silicon Integrated Optical Circuits", George Giamougiannis, A.U.TH. 2024, [Link]
  • "Simulations and design of photonic circuits and setups with the SiN platform", Dimitrios Chatzitheocharis, A.U.TH. 2023, [Link]
  • "Photonic Integrated Circuits for Routing and Computing Applications", Apostolos Tsakyridis, A.U.TH. 2023, [Link]
  • "Plasmo-photonic integrated circuits for interconnect and sensing applications", Thanasis Manolis, A.U.TH. 2022, [Link]
  • "Optical neural networks for deep learning applications", George Mourgias-Alexandris, A.U.TH. 2022, [Link]
  • "Design and optimization of integrated plasmo-photonic sensors", Evangelia Chatzianagnostou, A.U.TH. 2021, [Link]
  • "High-Capacity Optical Switches for DataCenter Networks", Terzenidis Nikos, A.U.TH. 2021, [Link]
  • "Silicon-based Photonic Integrated Circuits and High-Capacity Switching Systems for DataCenters Interconnects", Miltiadis Moralis-Pegios, A.U.TH. 2020, [Link]
  • "Silicon photonics for routing and transceiver systems in WDM chip-to-chip optical interconnects", Pitris Stelios, A.U.TH. 2020, [Link]
  • "Radio-over-Fiber Architectures for High-Throughput 5G Networks", Charoula Mitsolidou, A.U.TH. 2019, [Link]
  • "Integrated Photonic and Plasmonic Circuits for Optical Interconnect Applications", Dabos George, A.U.TH. 2018, [Link]
  • "Computing Architectures exploiting Optical Interconnect and Optical Memory Technologies", Maniotis Pavlos, A.U.TH. 2017, [Link]
  • "Οπτικές Μνήμες για Αρχιτεκτονικές Υπολογιστικών Συστημάτων με Πολυπλεξία Διαίρεσης Μήκους Κύματος", (only in Greek), Βαγιωνάς Χρήστος, Α.Π.Θ. 2016, [Link]
  • "Οπτικά Περιφερειακά Συστήματα για Υψίρρυθμες Μνήμες RAM με Κωδικοποίηση Μήκους Κύματος", (only in Greek), Αλεξούδη Θεονίτσα, Α.Π.Θ. 2015, [Link]
  • "Τεχνολογίες και Αρχιτεκτονικές για Υψίρρυθμες Οπτικές Μνήμες RAM Τυχαίας Προσπέλασης", (only in Greek), Φίτσιος Δημήτριος, Α.Π.Θ. 2015, [Link]
  • "Ολοκληρωμένοι Οπτικοί Δρομολογητές για Οπτικά Δίκτυα Διασύνδεσης Υπολογιστικών Συστημάτων", (only in Greek), Παπαϊωάννου Σωτήριος, Α.Π.Θ. 2015, [Link]

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Dr. Alexoudi, Dr. Kalfas, Ms. Markou, Dr. Vagionas, Dr. Dabos, Dr. Maniotis, Dr. Fitsios, Dr. Papaioannou after having received the Aristotle medal for their contribution to WinPhoS during their PhD years

Contact Us

  • Wireless and Photonic Systems and Networks Research Group
  • Balkan Center, Building A
  • 10th klm Thessalonikis - Thermis
  • 57001 - Greece
  • +30 2310 990588
  • +30 2310 990589

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